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Developer Guide


Xpell was developed in order to ease the process of development and the communication with the satellite services, frameworks and systems.

With real-time interpretation/translation abilities using an internal AI engine (NLP for the real-time translation) the Xpell can understand human language (Englishe) and translate it to any required API/Prompt.

Xpell resides within your program and enables you to communicate with almost any internal/external API/Prompt/Service by using a modular architecture.

Xpell Internal Architecture

  • The Xpell interpreter receives an input command in a human language (English – or with more specific prompt using Test/JSON format) and translate it to an XCommand (Xpell basic command)
  • The Xcommand is being routed by the Xpell to  XModule (Xpell Module that uses as a wrapper to an external engine
  • The XModule execute the translated command and creates |(if required) an XObject (Xpell Object that wraps an external object)

Xpell Module

Xpell module uses to handle specific activities (modularity) and it helps to wrap external engines, for example a module which is responsible on the User Interface in a web application will wrap the UI framework (HTML & Javascript in this case) and will create XObjects related to the UI elements like labels, text fields, views and more UI components.

The following diagram defines the Xpell base  module that uses as a parent object for every Xpell module:

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